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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Naruto Manga Chapter 487

Naruto Manga Chapter 487 "The Battle Begins".

In this chapter is tell about Zetsu, a creature who may or may not even be human, ever flitting in and out of a world of darkness, he called as The "Magician's" Assistant. Naruto already declared his war to Sasuke, and others like Sakura and Kakashi can't do anything about that, they only can do are believe in them. Then Sasuke and Madara disappear from team 7. Sasuke ask madara to do something about his eyes. Sasuke want itachi's eyes to be transplanted to him as soon as possible. Sasuke want to destroy Naruto with his full powers, because that's the only way to reject everything Naruto stands for. And Naruto get colappsed because of Sasuke used Kunai which Sakura poisoned on it. Chapter 487 also revealed that Kisame not truely was defeated by killer Bee and his brothers, they only defeated zetzu cloning. When Killer bee has being fighted Kisame, White Zetsu switched his place with Kisame. What are they gonna do by doing that? In the end of this chapter Kabuto appear with his new power.

Download Naruto Manga Chapter 487 "The Battle Begins" directly or here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Naruto Manga Chapter 486

Naruto Manga Chapter 486 "Fists" is already out.

Two paths, too far apart to be absolute destiny, yet close enough that it can only be fate. Rasengan and Chidori meet each other and blow up their owner into different direction. Naruto is catched up by Kakashi, while Sasuke is catched up by Zetsu. Zetsu has been ordered by Madara to hang around Sasuke and keep his presence hidden. Zetsu call madara when he think they are in trouble. Madara come and ask Sasuke to go, he also order Zetsu to go check up Kisame. But before Sasuke leave, Naruto stop him and tell Sasuke to remember their fight in the valley of the end. Naruto understand that they can instantly read each others mind the moment their fists meet. naruto say that both of them gonna die if they continue their fight.

Download Naruto Manga Chapter 486 "Fists" directly or here

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Naruto Manga Chapter 485

Naruto Manga Chapter 485 So Close, and Yet so Far is already out.

Naruto and Sasuke finally meet, The class clown and the elite, guts and hatred in a point - blank brawl. Naruto tell Sasuke that he understand why Sasuke did it. But Sasuke ask Naruto to shut up because naruto would never understand his feel. Sasuke also tell them his feel after kill Danzou, like he was finally cleansing the Uchiha name of the stigma that's dogged it for all these year. Kakashi starting know what turned Sasuke into what he is now. Kakashi ask Naruto and Sakura to get out from there, but Naruto can't let it happen. By kagebunshin, one of his clone hold Kakashi and the others clone release rasengan. After long time ago, finally we see Chidori vs Rasengan again.

Download Naruto Manga Chapter 485 So Close, and Yet so Far directly or here