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Thursday, June 17, 2010

Download Naruto Manga Chapter 499

Naruto Manga Chapter 499 A New Seal is already out.

A mother's words give Naruto new strength, the battle of nine tails vs Naruto reaches its climax. Killer bee and captain Yamato in their own confuse about what happened with Naruto. With his mother's chakra help to hold the nine tails, Naruto's rasengan barrage attack by using shadow clone technique goes down to the nine tails. Finally Sageart-nonstop Gargantuan Rasengan Barrage hit the nine tails directly. And one last attack from Naruto finally succesfull to pull out the nine tails chakra and absorb it into his body. Suddenly, it makes the nine tails angry and try to counter attack, but Naruto sealed the nine tails again with the sage of the six paths. Victory but also the sadness, his mother have to leave him again. But before that, a mothers' final words to her son, reveal the truth that Kushina was the previous nine-tails jinchuuriki.

Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 499 A New Seal directly or here.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Download Naruto Manga Chapter 498

Naruto Manga Chapter 498 Mom's Red Hair is already out.

Naruto meet his mom on the middle battle with the nine tails. For the first time he think that the woman he saw is the nine tails's true form. But after seeing her clearly, Naruto realize that the woman in front of him is his mother Kushina. While crying, Naruto hugged his mother with a happy feeling. Its also stopped naruto transformation into the nine tails fox form. And the opposite, with Kushina's chakra, Naruto counter attack and chained the nine tails. So then Naruto have a time to talk with his mother. When their conversation come to his red haired mother, Naruto asking about how did his mother and his father fall in love. Kishuna tell everything about how she met with Minato (Naruto's father) untill they love each other. from that stories, Naruto know about one thing, he's inherited the wills of his father and mother.

Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 498 Mom's Red Hair directly or here.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Download Naruto Manga Chapter 497

Naruto Manga Chapter 497 The Nine-Tails vs. Naruto is already out.

The final showdown begins, the nine tails vs Naruto. Naruto has to managed to pull out nine tails chkra even its risky his own life. Killer Bee give Naruto instruction what he has to do in there and sometimes help Naruto from danger. When Killer Bee used his last strength to help, Naruto do something unbelieveable, he attacked Nine tails with Sage Art-Gargantuan Rasengan. Very big and powerfull rasengan that this is the first time I see it. But its not enough to beat the nine tails, so Naruto make combination attack with "wind element-wind spiral shuriken"and it seems it worked. Then Naruto make decision to pull out nine tails's chakra when he still weaks, unfortunately the opposite case happened, the nine tails also didn't want to lose and try to pull it back Naruto's chakra. The nine tails hatred is stronger than Naruto will, when Naruto gonna lose control of him self, beyond the depth of the fox's hatred, Naruto meets his mother.

Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 497 The Nine-Tails vs. Naruto directly or here.