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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Download Naruto Manga Chapter 507 A Living Lie

Naruto Manga Chapter 507 A Living Lie is already out.

The afternoon tiger vs giant shark missile,the long grudge match enterits final chapter. Kisame miscalculated Gai technique, by releasing giant shark missile it should be absorb the target chakra but it didn't work for gai technique. It seem gai has the upperhand technique and won the battle. The afternoon tiger wasn't a chakra blast but a combat move. It is punch that focuses a massive amount of air pressure on a single point. After capture Kisame, they try o learn what katsuki knows, what their plans are , and who's leading them. Some past memoirs from kisame shown up, he kill his comrades when he was in the secret intel squad of mist ninja and has special mission. Its also shown us that Madara has been contolling the fourth mizukage and make Kisame work for him. Suprisingly, under unconsciousness, Kisame bit his own tongue and make the last move.

Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 507 A Living Lie  directly or here.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Download Naruto Manga Chapter 506

 Naruto Manga Chapter 506 Gai vs. Kisame is already out..

Kisame try to escape out of the waterfall, but he meet Gai on the outside of waterfall. For the first time Gai think that was a shadow from himself, but killer Bee came and tell him that he was Akatsuki. As soon as after saw killer bee,Samehada leave Kisame, but Kisame use this opportunity to absorb bee chakra by holding in Samehada. His attendant try to warn Bee but it seem late. Even their own chakra are also got absorbed by Kisame. Gai give backup but itsn't enough to stop him. In order to prevent Kisame get outside the island's barrier. Gai is starting get serius and release his true power. With killer bee help, he thrown Gai to the direction where kisame goes. And Gai finally succesfull chase after kisame and the battle is begin.

Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 506 Gai vs. Kisame  directly or here.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Download Naruto Manga Chapter 505

Naruto Manga Chapter 505 The Nine-tails' Chakra Unleashed! is already out.

When his mother disappear,his mother's parting words resonate with Naruto. Naruto promised that he will be a good boy as a son . But the most important promise are to become a bigger badass than his father and to become a stronger shinobi than his mother. He is the one who would surpass all the previous hokage. Then Naruto awakened and only killer bee that know instanly about what happened, and leave captain yamato in confused state, lol. Naruto tried to release the nine tails chakra which is sectioned off within him in a separate place. But something suprised happened, naruto sense Kisame chakra which was union with samehada's sword. So no other choice, Kisame finally show his true self form. But two jinchuuriki and captain yamato is a bit enough to make Kisame retreat. Then another improvement from naruto make us really surprised, he released teleport technique just like his father.

Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 505 The Nine-tails' Chakra Unleashed  directly or here.