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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 544

Naruto Manga Chapter 544 Two Suns

The report about the white zetsu chip away at the joint shinoby army has been coming. Shikamaru's father in lieu of the Raikage and hogake have to think about a counter strategy in this difficult situation without making them concerned about that. While Bee is still convincing his brother about jinchuuriki strenght in order to make his brother understand the reason why he and naruto have to go to battlefield. Their strenght isn't only from the tailed beast, but what was inside thir heart before the monster, shine like a sun and give them powers. Especially for Naruto, he has two suns, his mom and dad. Basically this chapter is rather boring, Naruto tell Raikage and Hokage the story about why his dad seal nine tailed fox inside him. So they knew everything about nine tails attack on the leaf long time ago was caused by Madara. And also about what his dad and mom leave behind inside him is their faith, faith that Naruto could fulfill the role of a savior. Raikage doesn't want to believe its story easily, so he is testing Naruto in his own way. He came to naruto with the intent kill and max power but naruto dodged his top speed punch and become the 2nd person after Minato. And the long night is ending, the enemy is about uses to their new eyes. The second day of the war comes.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 543

Naruto Manga Chapter 543 Words That Can't Be Discarded

Eventhough this chapter is started with the battle between Minato and Raikage in the past, but its only to make clear and showing of Bee's talent. If you don't read carefully step by step, I wonder if you'll get conclusion of this chapter. The outline story show us about how hard Naruto try to escape from Raikage's speed in order to go to the battlefield. Bee also help Naruto and try to defeat his brother with Lariat but Raikage still didn't understand with Bee's action and the reason why he is trying to help Naruto. And when Raikage ask some help from Hokage, its only get the opposite result. Tsunade sama decide to let Naruto pass, she believes in Naruto's power and back to her old self just like when the Akatsuki attacked Hidden Leaf Village. And thanks to Bee, by using Lariat move which Raikage is so proud of him self, Bee defeat his brother. He is trying to say that he and Naruto aren't just about Jinchuuriki power but the real strength comes from their own bodies. Its all about the words that can't be discarded which he get from Raikage. What was the special word that Killer Bee talk about? 
Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 543 Words That Can't Be Discarded directly or in Latest Naruto Manga Chapter page.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 542

Naruto Manga Chapter 542 The Secret Story of the Strongest Tag-Team

In this chapter 542 we get to know a little flasback about Killer Bee and Raikage. Those two are able to understand each others by clashed their fist. It started when Killer Bee's brother died because of the eight tails inside him ran wild. And the next jinchuuriki is supposed to be killer bee. Bee has been chosen as raikage's partner in order to forge the ultimate move "Double Lariat". And when the time to seal up eight tails into Bee, raikage remembered Bee's brother message to help bee find something to fill up the hole in his heart. So in order to fill up that hole, Raikage told to Bee that he is special for him and the strongest tag team. That was the time when their bond grow stonger like real brother. And another part shown the time when Raikage and Bee met with Minato (Naruto's father). After a little confrontation between them, Minato left the words behind to Raikage. Something with deep meaning and very important message.
Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 542 The Secret Story of the Strongest Tag-Team directly or in Latest Naruto Manga Chapter page.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 541

Naruto Manga Chapter 541 Raikage vs. Naruto

Naruto and Killer Bee have to take down the last barrier if they want to go to the battlefield and it were Raikage and Lady Tsunade. There is a little argument between Raikage and Naruto. Raikage ask him to back to the safety hideout, but Naruto won't just hid and kept himself safe while his comrade out there sacrificing themselves for him. So, Naruto fly away try to escape but Raikage can keep up with his speed in nine tails mode and even throwing big punch which make Naruto stand back. Naruto force his way through and speed up his move but Raikage stillcan keep up. But the real shock is that Naruto nine tails mode is fast enough to keep up with Raikage which is known as the fastest shinobi alive after the fourth hokage (naruto's father). And when Raikage is trying to insulting his father, Naruto's emotion boiling up and move forward into raikage without hesitations. Raikage warn him if he still insist on going, he will kil him. And just before their jutsu clash each others, Bee stop them with his blade. Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 541 Raikage vs. Naruto directly or in Latest Naruto Manga Chapter page.