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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 549

Naruto Manga Chapter 549 Itachi's Question

Naruto and Bee met with Itachi anda Nagato, 4 top tier shinobi face each other down. Nagato is able to feel that naruto has changed become stronger shinobi than before. Itachi has question for Naruto, but before he could tell the question, Kabuto command him to attacks suddenly. Itachi's fire jutsu goes forward to Naruto and Bee, but samehada sword absorb that jutsu easily. While attacking Naruto, Itachi ask something about Sasuke, and naruto explain everything including about sasuke that's trying to take revenge on the leaf and even joined akatsuki. It seemed Madara was telling the truth about Itachi secret mission and the reason behind it. Their conversation is disturbed by Kabuto, Itachi and Nagato attack Naruto and Bee alternately. They were both strongest member of akatsuki, even Naruto and Bee had a hard time to face them. Not only illusion jutsu but also summoning jutsu, make naruto and bee being overwhelmed. And then Itachi activated strange jutsu and the crow out of from naruto's mouth.
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 548

Naruto Manga Chapter 548 Naruto Vs. Itachi

For the first page two most trusted, powerful forces, Itachi and Nagato are showing up. But the whole story is still about the battle between Gaara, Oonoki and their army facing 4 previous Kage. After Gaara catched 3 kage including his father with his sand jutsu, Gaara's father confess about everything happened in the past. He told Gaara about how much his mother loved him and protecting him even after she already death. And also about Yashamaru (Gaara's uncle) that he never hated Gaara, what has Yashamaru done is under gaara's father order. His father regreted everything and admitted that what he has done till now was a mistake. Gaara cried again for the first time, it seems the wound in his hearth completely heal after his father given him medicine (love). After received forgiven, his father disappear and completely sealed. While the others Kage, succesfully escaped from Gaara's hand and going berserk, Oonoki facing his teacher. In the last page Naruto and Killer bee met with Itachi and Nagato. The two man cell summit battle.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 547

Naruto Manga Chapter 547 Object Of True Value

Gaara reunion again with his father, the change in Gaara shakes his father. Not only about he wasn't Jinchuuriki anymore but also the truth that he is kazekage and Commander general of the joint shinoby army make his father shocked. His father remembered about Gaara in the past when he was just born and when he started to lose contol of his power. That's time when The father decided to kill him in desperate situation as Kazekage after seeing his son as a failure. But this time the father will determine Gaara's worth once more by his own hand. The battle begin, eventhough four of them can't control their own bodies but they are still regaining their conciousness. So they ask the joint shinoby army to stop them no matter what the way. Gaara fight with his father, while Oonoki and the others have to face three others Kage. But it seems gaara surpassed his father, not only his sand jutsu become more powerful from his father, he is also able to catch his father and the others Kage inside his sand. His father tell Gaara about object of true value which was said by his Mother, Karura.
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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 546

Naruto Manga Chapter 546 The Past vs. The Present

Madara's soldiers march toward HQ, Toroi, one of hidden cloud's magnet-element bloodline limit users is attacking already. Two ninjas joint army is in pinch, but Naruto save them by defeating Toroi. For Naruto, that's the first zombie enemy which was summoned by Kabuto and he just learning a way to defeating them. But of course, there are still others strong enemy like that one that he have to defeat. While in other place, Gaara and Oonoki squad armys have been stopped retreat and decided to fight four monstrous ninjas from the past, Four previous Kage except the Hokage. Gaara make the first move by launch buttload of sand, but his father stopped it with gold dust wave. But Gaara succesful to catch three of them and Oonoki have to face the escaped one which was the previous kage from his own village. And their strong dust element jutsu clash each other. Both of side still observing opponent power. These are The Past vs. The Present, Gaara vs his father and Oonoki vs his master, the battle begins with full of boiling emotions.
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Friday, July 1, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 545

Naruto Manga Chapter 545 An Immortal Army

Everything's going just like Madara planned, he knows that Naruto is now able to sense nearby hostility and will take action to deal with white Zetsu so he waits for the perfect moment to make his moves. While in the battlefield, medical team have to work hard to learn about white zetsu DNA. Shizune and Sakura finished their research and learn about the source power from white zetsu. White zetsu is plant ninjas made from 1st Hokage's cells and powered themselves up by using captain yamato chakra. Now the HQ learn everything about Madara's body and how he could extend his life, they have no idea to defeat him because Madara might be the true meaning of Immortal. Before Naruto and Bee come to the battlefield, Shikamaru's father explain everything to them about white zetsu ability and Madara's goal. He warned Naruto to don't try to talk and reason with Madara because Madara is the true evil. After that Naruto and Bee finally face the white zetsu. Naruto is showing us his new improving rasengan. Yeah that's so cool, Rasengan Riot (multi rasengan), Rasengan Vacuum and mini rasen shuriken with the last move "home destroying jutsu" he defeat many of them easily. And head toward to all battlefield at the same time by using mass shadow clone technique.
Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 545 An Immortal Army directly or in Latest Naruto Manga Chapter page.