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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 552

Naruto Manga Chapter 552 The Prerequisite To Be Hokage

Nagato say farewell and be sealed forever, the battle is about to reach the climax. And for Kabuto, after realizing that Nagato has been defeated, he finally use his trump card. While on Naruto side, there is a little argument about who will be the one to stopped Kabuto's Edo tensei jutsu. Naruto stubborn wish to stop all this war by himself but Itachi make him remember something very important. Itachi told him not to forget about others and not to be arrogant about his power. itachi gave him advice not to shoulder everything alone and never forget his friends. Naruto realized that he almost make the same mistake as Madara, too obsessed to become strong and protect the world by himself. So before Itachi is going to face Kabuto, he ask Naruto to take care of his brother and ask Killer Bee to take care of naruto. In other place, the war still continue between Gaara's squad army and the previous kage. But finally Naruto arrived on the right time.

Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 552 The Prerequisite To Be Hokage directly or in Latest Naruto Manga Chapter page.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 551

Naruto Manga Chapter 551 Stop Nagato

Nagato has been completely controlled by Kabuto and activated rinnegan which has unique power. Not only the technique that cn pulls you in and blows you away but also the one that sucks up your ninjutsu. Even Naruto's Rasengan didn't work for Nagato. The situation became more dangerous when kabuto planned to kill Naruto and Bee temporarily with the human path then take their bodies and soul back with the naraka path and revive them later. Kabuto trying to make Jinchuuriki his mine without Madara finding out. Fortunately, there is Itachi who saved them by using susano'o. But Nagato released Celestial Terra Blast that has powerfull gravitational pull. Itachi realized the weakness of that technique and used the combine of their strenght to destroy it. It's succesfull and in the moment of the blast, Itachi stab Nagato with the sword of Totsuka and sealed him permanently.

Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 551 Stop Nagato directly or in Latest Naruto Manga Chapter page.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 550

Naruto Manga Chapter 550 Koto Amatsukami

Back then when Itachi met Naruto, he was doing something to Naruto, and this is the answer about what he done. Itachi's jutsu change the course of the battle. By using the crow which has been implanted into that crow's left eye, the ultimate genjutsu of Uchiha Shisui's mangekyou sharingan "Koto Amatsukami", Itachi is back to normal, he isn't being controlled anymore. The genjutsu is an order to "protect the village of konoha". Shisui taught Itachi, A nameless shinobi who protects peace from within its shadow that is a true shinobi. So Shisui gave Itachi his eye, trusting him to protect the village with it. And because the brother (Sasuke) became a threat to the village and Naruto were the only one who could hope to correct that, Itachi gave that crow to Naruto. Itachi's hope when Sasuke gained the "true" power, the eternal mangekyo, the crow would emerge, reacting to his transplanted eyes and cast the "Koto Amatsukami" on Sasuke to "protect Konoha".
Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 550 Koto Amatsukami directly or in Latest Naruto Manga Chapter page.