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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 561

Naruto Manga Chapter 561 The Power In A Name

Madara's strength threaten the safety of squad join army, very large stone fell from sky like a meteor. They can't get out of range in time, so Oonoki is going to make that space rock lighter and try to stop it by using "Earth Release Ultra Light-Weight Rock Technique". Gaara also help him with his sand jutsu and it stopped for a moment until the second one came to them. Big disaster happen in squad join army, they lose many men at once, even tsuchikage, his injuries are severe. While the HQ still questioning about the real reason behind the masked man claim that he was Madara, and they get conclusion that the name it self is power, so the man behind the mask use it to draws attention of the world to him and it became a superb bluff powerful enough to drag them all into war. Back again into the battlefield, it seems kabuto know that Madara didn't die after his battle with Shodai Hokage at the valley of the end, even gained a portion of Hashirama's strength. And before the next attack, Madara make sure about the existence of kyuubi by releasing his chakra so it responds. After knowing that Naruto is the kyuubi jinchuriki, Madara attack them by using the wood jutsu. They are all in danger and Naruto don't have much chakra left. In situation like that kyuubi is offering Naruto its power, and with kyuubi's chakra Naruto save them from Madara's attack.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 560

Naruto Manga Chapter 560 Madara Uchiha

Now after Madara Uchiha appeared in person with the impure world resur-rection jutsu, it causes confusion in the squad joins army about the one behind the mask. Even madara himself didn't think it will be like this. And finally he makes the first move with The Great Fireball Of Destruction. That jutsu has a huge range but the squad join army blocked it with The Wall of Water. It's not enough to stop his rampaging power. Naruto's clone is assisted by Oonoki to attack Madara with super huge ball rasengan, but Madara using his Susanoo to defend himself. When the other try to distract him, Naruto gathered his chakra until enough to release Rasen Shuriken. While Gaara try to stop Madara's move with his sand, Naruto landed his Rasen Shuriken into Madara, but the result is getting worst. By using rinnegan, Madara absorbed Naruto's chakra. It seems the sharingan user could really get to the rinnegan and the most shocked news is the power is in a whole different level from Nagato's power. The sage of the six paths finally show a part of that God's strength.
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 559

Naruto Manga Chapter 559 Reinforcements Arrive

It seem Kabuto's trump card has been arrived in battlefield. Another impure world resur-rection jutsu is summoned by Muu. It must be the strongest one, but who was he? While on the side of the squad join army, Naruto who take the role as reinforcement has arrived at every single battlefield. Although for the first time he met with the others, they can't believed that he is the real Naruto. It's because his smell and chakra signature are different than it was before. But it didn't took long enough to know that he is the real one after seeing his reckless action. The tides of battle has turned around after they got the over-whelming upper hand, all unit has overcome the enemy. But when the squad join army decided to take one step fordward to capture Madara, the new enemy appear in front of Gaara's unit. And which makes even more surprised is Muu came along with Madara Uchiha, The guy that they were thinking is the mastermind behind this war. As we know, for someone to be brought back to this world using the impure world resur-rection that would mean that the person brought back has died. So the next question is who in the world is the man behind the mask?
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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Naruto Manga Chapter 558

Naruto Manga Chapter 558 Kabuto's Trump Card
During battle bettween Gaara and Mizukage, Naruto and the others did not realize that Muu Sama (previous Tsuchikage) have split his body into two before Naruto's attack hit him. Now he is trying to get his half body by take of the seal. The squad join army became unaware of dangerous situation because of their victory againts the predecessors of the five kage did well. While waiting the next orders from HQ, they recover the wounded and preparing for the next move. In other place, Naruto's original body and the clones all headed to the the frontlines of each battlefields. And he eventually reached where shikamaru and others are. By using his ability, Naruto help to identify the enemy which has transformed resemble with the army and smash them one by one. He save Sakura, Hinata and the others on the right time. As the tide of battle shifts for the better, what is Muu up to within the shadows?
Read the rest of story by download Naruto Manga Chapter 558 Kabuto's Trump Card directly or in Latest Naruto Manga Chapter page.