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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Danzo, Sixth Hokage

danzo pictureName : Danzo
Debut (Manga) : Chapter 281
Debut (Anime) : Shippuden episode 89
Appears in : Anime and Manga
Gender : Male
Highest rank : Kage
Affiliation : Konohagakure & The Foundation
Team : ANBU Foundation faction
Jutsu : Juinjutsu, Sharingan

After 'sinvasion Konoha, Tsunade Sama as Fifth Hokage in critical condition. In that condition, the elders of Konoha make decision to choose a new hokage as Tsunade replacement. One man has been chosen to become Sixth Hokage, he is Danzo, Danzo is a Konoha elder, one of the oldest villagers in Konoha, Also a leader of Leader of the ANBU Foundation faction. Anything about Danzo still mysterious, his background, his power, enemy or not, we don't know nothing about him. Every his move always carefully and secretly, even his true goals, we didn't get it. I got more suprised about Danzo when I read Naruto Manga Chapter 455, Danzo is Sharingan user. Who is this guy? is he from Uchiha clan? or maybe he just get eye implant from another Uchiha just like Kakashi. It was very strange, is danzo the same guy with Kakashi teammate (Obito). It could be true, because Kakashi only has Obito's sharingan eye in his left eye. on the contrary, Danzo only has sharingan eye in his right eye. Another possibility, Danzo is brain of Kakashi's team attacked a long time ago. As we know, when Kakashi came to saved Obito, Obito right eye has blinded, maybe Danzo use a same medical technique to implant Obito's eye to be his own, but Kakashi came before he finished his plan.

danzo wallpapersWhat do you think about my prediction? If that's all wrong, I only have two another option, first, Danzo is Madara's brother and second, Danzo is a guy from Uchiha that never publicizing before. But, I'm not sure with the last option, if he is also from Uchiha, why did he send Sai to kill Sasuke? A logical reason according me, because Sharingan user only get lose by another Sharingan user. Madara, Itachi, Sasuke and Kakashi are Sharingan users. Maybe Danzo want to kill them one by one on the right time. To kill Madara and Itachi, he need strong army, that's why he always try to be Hokage. And Kakashi, he still don't need to kill him because Kakashi's power could be used to help him kill Madara and Itachi. So the first target down to Sasuke. But his mission failed, so Danzo make another plan. But later I thing again, could be Danzo is Madara Uchiha, Don't you thing so?
How is this guy?
If you have another opinion about Danzo, please tell your opinion here.

Please share and enjoy :

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